Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friday 12th February BRISBANE Business SWAp will be having Paul Timms present the benifits of using the speaking platform to market your business to a wider audiance. According to Paul this presentation is well worth it for the business owner who wishes to grow quicker then normal.

I am looking forward to this presentation as I know some other people are as well.

After the meeting is over, I will be attending a business focus group which will only have 12 business owners their. This focus group is to assist the business owner to acheive more in the time allocated then they will have normally completed before.

I plan in this time enhance my website content and other parts of my business. I will grow the business through many means. One being social media. This is working for locating Speakers for BRISBANE Business SWAP.

I am off to have my late night dessert and going to bed. Thank you for reading.

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